Apogee Marketing Services (formerly Catalyst Marketing Services) provides small businesses with technical solutions for marketing and e-commerce website managed hosting and construction, content marketing, and pay per click advertising. Apogee spins up and populates professionally designed sites in a matter of days, compared to the industry standard of weeks.
I interviewed the owner-operator of Sierra Somatics to learn how Catalyst’s Quicksites and content strategy consultation helped her business weather the COVID-19 pandemic. The case study is structured as a problem-solution narrative that is based on hard numbers that illustrate the impact of Catalyst’s solutions and their relevance to small businesses.
This case study was deployed as a digital asset on Catalyst’s site, was repurposed for a blog article and email campaign, and was used as sales collateral during outreach. Small businesses and solopreneurs identified with the subject and could easily see how the solutions presented could be applied to their own businesses.